Tooth loss is a common dental issue. You could lose your teeth through diseases like gingivitis, tooth decay, cavities, or trauma to your jaw. Regardless of the cause of your tooth loss, missing teeth can throw your bite out of alignment and impact your speech and facial shape.

Fortunately, there are tooth replacement options that can help restore your smile and maintain your oral health. Dental implants are artificial roots used to support a dental restoration. You are a good candidate for dental implants if you have a few missing teeth and your jawbone is healthy. This is because the implant is fused to your jawbone for maximum support.

By placing an artificial root before the tooth restoration, dental implants provide you with the stability and strength of natural teeth. Dental implants are custom-made to look and feel like natural teeth. For this reason, dental implants are the most sought-after dental restoration option. The placement of dental implants is an invasive surgical procedure with many benefits and the potential to produce severe complications. Therefore, you must consult with and seek the services of a reliable oral surgeon.

What are Dental Implants?

A dental implant is an artificial root that is surgically attached to your jawbone for support. When you consult a dentist seeking an option for tooth replacement, they could recommend dental implants and discuss the procedure with you.

There are two common types of dental implants, including:

  • Endosteal implants. The endosteal dental implants look like screws and are made of titanium, a friendly material for the body. A dental surgeon inserts an endosteal implant surgically into your jawbone to function as the tooth root. A single implant can be used to anchor one or more tooth restorations.
  • Subperiosteal implants. A subperiosteal dental implant is placed above the bone by drilling through the gums into the bone. You must have a healthy and strong jawline before receiving this type of implant.

Dental implants are made of a wide range of materials. Before you start the procedure, your dental surgeon will guide you through choosing the material that matches the color and shade of your teeth. Your dentist will recommend dental implants under the following circumstances:

  • You have one or more missing teeth.
  • You have loose dentures or other tooth restoration procedures that have failed.
  • You have an infected tooth that cannot be saved, and you do not want to deal with the impact of missing teeth.
  • You have a sunken facial appearance due to missing teeth.
  • You seek a permanent tooth restoration option.

Dental Implant Procedure

The following are the steps involved in tooth replacement with dental implants:

Thorough Examination

Your gums, jaw bone, and remaining natural teeth must be healthy before you undergo dental implant surgery. Therefore, you will undergo a thorough examination of your oral health. This will include providing your dental history, physical observation, and other procedures like x-rays.

If you have complications like tooth decay and gum disease, you will undergo treatment for the complication before undergoing your dental implant surgery.

Implant Placement

When it is determined that you are a good candidate for dental implants, the surgeon will insert a screw-shaped implant into your jawbone. A temporary abutment will be placed directly into the artificial root for a one-step procedure. However, for the two-step procedure, the implant is covered with gum tissue and given some time to recover.

As your mouth heals from the surgical procedure, the implant fuses with your jawbone, creating a strong and lasting foundation for the replacement tooth.

Attachment of the Abutment

When the implant has integrated with the jawbone, an abutment will be attached to the implant through the gum tissues. The final restoration of your tooth could be a single replacement or a bridge containing multiple teeth.

Since dental implants are custom-made, an impression of your missing tooth will be used to create a crown that matches the shape and size of your teeth. You can choose the material that suits your desired look and budget at this stage.


When your tooth crown is ready, you will go for a fitting. If your dental implant has a permanent tooth replacement, you must ensure that the crown is a good fit before the final attachment. This helps prevent discomfort.

Dental Implant Surgery Aftercare Tips

Dental implants are a lifetime investment. The tooth and leg replacements are all meant to serve you for a long time. However, you must take care of your implants while continuing with other good oral health practices. After your surgery, your dentist will offer the following care tips for a successful surgery and to prevent complications:

  • Avoid hot drinks and foods after the surgery. The placement of dental implants is a surgical procedure. Therefore, you must take care of the surgical site. Before the anesthesia wears off, you should avoid eating or drinking hot foods and drinks that could burn the surgical sites and cause infection. In addition to hot foods and drinks, constant contact with the surgical area could cause complications. Your dentist will recommend avoiding touching the area and sticking to cold foods and drinks.
  • Treating pain and swelling. When the anesthesia wears off, you can experience pain and swelling at the dental implant site. Your dentist will recommend painkillers and anti-inflammatory medications to deal with the pain. Additionally, you can use ice packs to reduce discomfort.
  • Use a soft-bristled toothbrush. Brushing is not recommended immediately after a dental implant surgery. Brushing your teeth before your surgical site heals can cause irritation and bleeding. You can keep your mouth and teeth clean by rinsing them with salt water until they won’t heal. When you return to your regular dental hygiene routine, you should avoid using a hard-bristled toothbrush.
  • Avoid abrasive dental products. After dental implant surgery, you should stick to sensitive dental cleaning products. Products that are too abrasive can cause severe discomfort.
  • Avoid hard and sticky foods. Most people understand that hard and sticky foods commonly cause dental complications. Hard foods can damage your tooth enamel and create unnecessary pressure on your teeth. On the other hand, sticky phones are a common contributor to tooth decay and dental caries.
  • Avoid alcohol and smoking. Dental implants take up to six months to heal. Smoking and consumption of alcoholic beverages could slow down the healing process and cause dental implant complications.
  • Schedule regular dental appointments. The journey with your dental implants does not end after the procedure. Dental implants are one of the most suitable tooth restorations. However, you need to have them checked regularly by a dentist. Your dentist can check for any dental implant complications during your regular dental appointment.

Benefits of Dental Implants

Dental implants are some of the most sought-after dental restorations for people with missing teeth. Dental implants offer the following benefits compared to other tooth replacement options:

  • Natural look. Dental implants are custom-made to mimic the color and appearance of natural teeth.
  • Comfortable fit. Dental implants are attached to your jawbone through titanium screws. The tooth restoration will be custom-made using molds from your mouth. This ensures a comfortable fit. Since dental implants are permanent, you will not have to worry about slippage.
  • Long-lasting restorations. With proper care and maintenance, implants can serve you for a lifetime.
  • Improved ability to chew and speak. Missing teeth can impact your ability to chew food correctly and sometimes affect your speech. Dental implants are anchored into a jar like natural teeth. Therefore, they are strong enough to chew your food and prevent speech difficulties.
  • Preservation of your healthy teeth and your bones. Dental implants stimulate your jawbone. This helps prevent bone loss, which could result in more serious dental complications. Dental implants fit perfectly into the missing tooth gap, preventing the remaining teeth from shifting.
  • Prevent premature aging and facial sagging. Facial sagging is an unwanted effect of bone loss resulting from missing teeth. This will occur when your face starts to collapse, closing the distance between the tip of your nose and your chin. This can result in excessive wrinkling and thinning of the lips, making you look older than your age. Dental implants close the gaps left by missing teeth, which prevents facial sagging.

Complications Associated with Dental Implant Surgery

Compared to other dental restoration options, dental implants have a high success rate and predictable outcomes for improved appearance, chewing, and overall oral health. The success rate of your procedure increases when you follow the aftercare tips. However, this procedure can result in the following complications:


Like other invasive oral procedures, individuals who have undergone dental implant surgery may be prone to infection at the implant site. Some of the symptoms of infection that should be looked out for after your procedure include excessive swelling, fever, pain, and a metallic taste in your mouth.

Treatment for infection after dental implant surgery will depend on the location and severity of the infection. If you have an infection in the gum tissues, antibiotics could be prescribed to clear the infection. However, if you have an infected bone, removal of the bone tissue may be necessary. A bone graft will follow to avoid further complications.

Gum Recession

Sometimes, the gums around your dental implant may begin to recede, which could cause pain and inflammation at the implant site. You require prompt dental assessment in this case to avoid implant removal.

Tissue and Nerve Damage

If a dental implant is placed too close to the nerves, you could experience tingling pain and numbness, which are nerve damage symptoms. A nerve injury is a potentially serious issue that requires immediate attention.

Loose Implant

Following dental implant surgery, the plant is expected to fuse, a process known as osseointegration. While this process can take several months, its success is critical to long-term implant success. If your dental implant still feels loose after several months, your dental surgeon may need to remove it.

Sinus Issues

A dental implant placed on the upper jaw can protrude into the sinus cavity and cause inflammation. Common symptoms of sinus damage include the following:

  • Tenderness, swelling, and pain in your face and eyes.
  • Yellow or green nasal mucus.
  • Persistent blocked nose.
  • Severe headaches.
  • High fever.
  • Reduced sensitivity to smell.

How Much Does Dental Implants Cost? 

Dental implants are a costly option for tooth replacement. However, the high cost pays off by serving you longer and reducing the need for constant replacement and refitting. Since dental implants are not purely cosmetic procedures, some dental insurance policies can cover a portion of the treatment. If you seek to pay for the procedure through insurance, you must consult your insurer beforehand.

The exact cost of dental implant surgery depends on the following factors:

  • The number of missing teeth you have.
  • Your preference for tooth replacements.
  • The health of your gums and jawbone. If your jawbone is not strong enough to support the implants, you may need to undergo a bone graft, which increases the cost of your procedure.
  • Whether your insurance helps you pay for the procedure.

Find Expert Dental Services Near Me

A dental implant is a lasting replacement for a missing tooth. The placement of a dental implant is a surgical procedure involving the placement of a metal screw to act as an artificial root and attaching it to an abutment that acts as the tooth enamel. This creates the feel and appearance of natural teeth.

Dental implants are made of different materials, from which you can choose depending on your desired appearance and budget. While dental implants are a desirable form of tooth restoration for their high success rate and numerous benefits, not all individuals with missing teeth are good candidates for the procedure.

If you consider dental implants for restoration, you must thoroughly assess whether you have a strong and healthy jawbone to support the implant. If you have underlying dental complications, you may need to be treated before the dental implant surgery.

The outcome of your dental implant procedure can significantly impact your oral and overall health. Therefore, you must consult an experienced oral health surgeon for better results and fewer complications. At La Puente Advanced Dentistry, we offer our clients safe and reliable dental implant services in La Puente, CA. Contact us at 626-626-7075 to book your appointment.